
Only MRS Members can take this assessment. To start the assessment you must be logged in. Sign in to your MyMRS web account here and then return to this page.

If you are a non-Member you will need to Join MRS to be able to take the RAS Assessment:

  • Option 1 - £175.00 - Includes the RAS assessment, accreditation, compliance regulation by MRS and access to the full suite of MRS membership benefits
  • Option 2* - £87.50 - Includes the RAS assessment, accreditation and compliance regulation by MRS but no individual member benefits (a 50% reduction on membership fee)

* RAS accreditation lasts for 3 years, subject to maintaining MRS membership. This is required as compliance with the MRS Code of Conduct and associated standards is an accreditation requirement which underpins the Scheme.

*Bound by the MRS Code of Conduct and regulated by MRS, access to the Members Area, Members Register, Voting rights, and RAS Assessment & accreditation. However, you will not have access to other member benefits e.g. Live Prof Webinars, Discounts on Training & Conferences etc, and Publications.

Sign in to, or create your MyMRS web account here and then return to this page

  • To join via Option 1 – click here
  • To join via Option 2 – click here

Find out more about the Recruiter Accreditation Scheme and eligibility to take this assessment. If you are having technical difficulties please contact