Support Materials

What RAS support materials are available? 

Register of Accredited Recruiters

register of accredited recruiters is available. Only those recruiters who have successfully undertaken the RAS Assessment and hold RAS Accreditation and active Membership, and have consented will appear in the register.

RAS Supporting Guidance

There are two regulatory guidelines which underpin the Scheme:

Both documents are based upon the rules and principles of the MRS Code of Conduct. The Qualitative Research Recruitment – Legal Requirements and Best Practice: Regulations for Recruiters are binding on all Company Partners, Recruiter Accredited Companies and members plus all accredited recruiters.

All mandatory requirements detailed within the MRS Regulations for Buying of Qualitative Research Recruitment Services are binding on Company Partners, Recruiter Accredited Companies and members, where they are in a position of authority which includes the selection and use of research services and suppliers.

Compliance Support 

Underpinning the Regulations are self-regulatory support mechanisms should any complaints arise regarding accredited recruiters.  By becoming RAS accredited, individual recruiters become members of MRS and recruiter organisations become Recruiter Accredited Companies. 

Both individual membership and Recruiter Accredited Companies are supported by complaint and compliance mechanisms which will be used to investigate any complaints whereby the MRS Code and its associated Regulations and guidelines are not being upheld by accredited recruiters and/or accredited recruiter organisations.

If a complaint is received that indicates the MRS Code of Conduct and/or the associated guidance have been breached, organisations are obliged to co-operate promptly with MRS to enable MRS to complete an investigation using either the MRS Company Partner Complaint Procedure if the organisation is a Company Partner, or the MRS Disciplinary Regulations if the organisation is a Recruiter Accredited Company but not an MRS Company Partner.

If a complaint is received that indicates the MRS Code of Conduct and/or the associated Recruiter Regulations have been breached, individuals are obliged to co-operate promptly with MRS to enable MRS to complete an investigation using the MRS Disciplinary Regulations (which underpins RAS for individuals). 

Professional Development Materials

A comprehensive set of training materials are available. The 5 online training modules cover:

1st Module: Introduction to qualitative research

2nd Module: Traditional recruitment methods 

3rd Module: New and evolving recruitment methods 

4th Module: Data protection 

5th Module: Client and project management

Plus there are supporting resources and templates.

The training will be kept up-to-date to ensure that the training continues to reflect current practice ensuring that standards are maintained over time.  This is particularly important for evolving knowledge areas such as privacy and data protection.

Within the training modules a number of MRS guidelines are referred to.  Please see the resources page.